Leonid Kuchma, Noursultan Nazarbaev, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, Jury Luzhkov, Sergey Lavrov, Kaha Bendukidze, Vladimir Resin, Alexey Mitrofanov, Joseph Kobzon, Nikas Safronov, Valery Syutkin and many other...the list is impressive. Not only that they are inhabitants of heaven of the political Olympus, known businessmen or outstanding figures of culture. They have a taiior. And he is called as Sammy Kotwani.
Sammy Kotwani, the man behind Imperial Tailoring grew up in the world of fashion. His career began in his early teens in India, where he joined SASMIRA (Silk and Art Silk Mills Institute Of Research Association), one of the finest institutes in India where he obtained his DMTT (Diploma in Man made Textile Technology) & DMST (Diploma in Man made Spinning Technology).
His formal training continued in the best design schools in London. Worked in Africa, Europe, and from the beginning 90-s in Russia.. Being still a student, stood at sources of creation of the company "Imperial tailor" The Imperial Tailoring Co which branches are already opened in Poland, Finland, Ukraine, Kazakhstan. Already more than two years its interior is located in Gostinom the Court yard (Gostinom Dvore). On its entrance, it is modestly written "Sammy Kotwani. The tailor". But the studio reminds more like respectable English club of gentlemen of the end XIX - the beginnings of XX century. Here reigns ease, here it is comfortable. One of the most intcrcstmg thing - are served here not only the mightiest of this world.

It is no wonder that a young man just starting a career, a top business leader, or even an English country gentleman can feel comfortable that he is being served well by Sammy Kotwani; Proof of this is that Sammy Kotwani services are sought after by a clientele that diverse. When you come to Sammy Kotwani you are personally served by him. Sammy Kotwani is dedicated to making each client feel at home. When you leave, you will not only look good, you will feel good.
You can read articles about Sammy Kotwani in many Russian & European magazines (Restaurant Moskvi, Evraziya, Mir Aeroflota, VashKapital, Transaero,Dolche Vita magazine...& many more.) His skill & work is appreciated by big designers, actors, politicians and we Indian.ru team are really proud of him. It is our pleasure io publish this this article of him in our magazine. Following article was published in Russian magazine Restaurani Moskvi issue No 3(28) 2005 Sergie Firsev, who is chiefeditor of magazine Restaurani Moskvi conducted this interview with Semmi Kotwani.
Sergey Firtsev: Why is it better to order suit, instead of buying readymade from shop?
Sammy Коtwani: First of all, it is a choice of color and the invoice will be such choice of fabrics, as at the private taiior. For example, we have about 7000 kinds. And brands speak for themselves -Scabal, Holland* Sherry, Loro Piana, Ermenegildo Zegna, Charles Clayton and others. Is exclusive - Diamond Chip (the Diamond shaving). Gold Treasure (Gold treasure) and Super' 200 and vicina.

SF: it is clear, that the best are natural fabrics, and from them - a wool. And how quality of wool is defined?
SK: the fabric has a thickness, more precisely, thickness of a string - it is measured in microns. Then color and still such important parameter, as an extensibility uf a string. These parameters are brought in classification Super, which was offered by National Corporation on export of woolen products(NWTEC). When you see figure of fabric, for example 100, it means, that from 1 kg wool you will receive 1 km indissoluble string. Accordingly figures 130,150, 180 mark fabrics of a high class. We do not work with textiles less than Super'100.
SF: Advantage of choice of fabrics undoubtedly, but, probably this is not the only thing?
SK: Certainly. The tailor is like a personal doctor. He perfectly knows features of your figure. And the tailor at once does a suit ideally suitable for you. We remove about 30 measures. When in the course of time the person grows thin or grows fat, he comes to us....

SF: One question. To stitch a suit it is possible almost in any studio. And then, you said, that your suits are for whom quality is not so dear, then why nol ordering new is easier?
SK: the Good question. First, our suits are simply not refuse able. In fact it is good stitched suit which "goes", gives the owner confidence and other positive emotions. Then our suits serve long. Here, how many years to this suit, which I have wore?
SF: Considering a question, 1 shall assume, that year two.
SK: Now we shall look, I precisely do not remember, but here there is no secret. On each product there is a label with date. We shall look (finds a label - a comment red.). So, 2002. But it looks as new?

SF: Yes, I reeognize.
SK: And also because ever, half a year our clients can bring his suit for preventive maintenance. For special cleaning. Why person has to worry, whether lit will spoil his suit in a dry-cleaner? He brings it to us. It is one more service which we render.
SF: Sammy, and here I can see fabric laying, very similar to a fabric for shirts. If 1 am not mistaking?
SK: Quite right. We to any suit, and yours too, can stitch a shirt. Still there is one small secret (continues with enthusiasm - a comment red.). If this shirt very much pleasant to you, be not afraid, that collar and cuffs can be removed quickly - in fact a good thing, wear and wash often. We shall replace them. So is it not one more better thing to stitch at tailor? And our clients appreciate it. Therefore I say, that our client are not so much rich, but much clever client.
SF: impressive. But, probably, better?
SK: Yes, but so should be.
SF: Semtni, some simple advice on care of a suit.
For a suit there is a rule:
- Before hanging up a suit, take out all things from pockets.
- The Hanger for a jacket can be from any material, the main thing that it must have shoulders.
- Trousers is better to hang up from the bottom edge. If there are tops, it is necessary to brush them.
- Never use "miracle-brush" wiih sticky substance. From them often there are spots. Use brushes from a natural bristle.
- If you on business trip, do not hurry up to give a suit of the parlor maid for polish. Instead it is possible to do so. Start hot water in bathroom. When there will be a fog, switch off water and leave suit in a bathroom from some hours.
- If required iron, but only through a while cotton fabric.